I would like to give you an insight into my own yoga practice.
Not as a teacher, but as a passionate yogini.

I have been practicing, studying and 'living' yoga for almost twenty years. Before I let you step on the mat to join me, I want to make a deep bow to all the yoga teachers, 'gurus, who have guided me on my yoga path; some as friends very intensely, others perhaps even without their knowledge. I am so grateful to them for everything they have taught me and are still teaching me: those who provided the first ‘epiphany moments', such as Alinoë Van Looveren and Fabienne Huygen, with whom I already wrote a TV series and a DVD (yes, that's how long I've had the yoga bug) about pregnancy yoga. I am also grateful to Elsie Mathijssens. She did pioneering work with Antwerp Yoga, the now leading yoga studio where I met my dear friend, superyogi and best teacher ever Wesley Basset: love you soooo much!!!. Many thanks also to my soul mate Nicki Forman and to: Kristen MacPherson, Dorinda Farver, Robert Boustany, Lama Nasser, Marleen Onghena, …. Thanks for the learning school and the 'home': Radiant Light Yoga in Wilrijk, Yoga Jivana in Zoersel, Yogasite in Breda and my latest discovery: Joyofyoga, the atmospheric studio of Marleen Feremans in 's Gravenwezel, Schilde. I like a mix of Yin yoga, Vinyasa and  Kundalini, …and you will probably also find sparkles of Nicki Formans Aruna yoga in my practice: a yoga form, which I am studied during a teacher training. Almost all of these wonderful teachers and studios also offer online classes : definitely worth trying and feeling what you do well; at this time ; Today. Now. 
    18-04-2020 17:25     Comments ( 6 )
Comments (6)
 Jaak -  31-12-2022

Voor we het jaar afsluiten nog even kundalini

 Jaak -  07-02-2022

We zijn terug ik volg verschillende teachers ,deze is heerlijk met de kundalini!

 Jaak Vandenbroucke -  15-12-2021

Hoi Bieke,wat goed met de kundalini stukjes kunnen genieten.En ik bestel je boek. grt Jaak

 An -  03-08-2020

Zalig, bedankt Bieke !

 Nadia van Fred -  27-04-2020

Ohhhh Bieke wat heb ik genoten . Ik doe hier in Spanje 3 x per week via zoom nu , maar deze sessie was zo bijzonder . Zeker ook om jouw zachte mooie stem en ik voel me helemaal klaar om de dag te beginnen, ! Morgen doe ik de andere en dan wissel ik telkens tot nummer 3 er is ,,, Duizend maal dank Kusjes vanuit Malaga ,,, Nadia

 Liezie -  23-04-2020

Enorm genoten van deze heerlijke yogasessie. Bedankt hiervoor!

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